Nancy’s Publications

Solid Shattered Multiple Pieces Healing Semi-finished Fully Healed

Books/Monographs related to Abuse

Nason-Clark, Nancy, Holtmann, Catherine, McMullin, Steve and Barbara Fisher-Townsend (2017) Religion and Intimate Partner Violence:  Understanding the Challenges and Proposing Solutions.  New York: Oxford University Press.  Publication date: October, 2017.

Nason-Clark, Nancy and Barbara Fisher-Townsend (2015)  Men Who Batter.  New York: Oxford University Press. (241 pp + xi.)

Sevcik, Irene, Rothery, Michael, Nason-Clark, N. and R. Pynn (2015) Overcoming Conflicting Loyalties: Intimate Partner Violence, Community Resources, and Faith.  Edmonton, AB: University of Alberta Press (248pp + x.)

Kroeger, Catherine Clark and Nancy Nason-Clark (2010) No Place for Abuse:  Biblical and Practical Resources To Counteract Domestic Violence.  2nd edition (40% new content).  Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.  (235 pp + xxi.)

Nason-Clark, Nancy and Catherine Clark Kroeger (2004). Refuge from Abuse: Hope and Healing for Abused Christian Women. Downers Grove, IL:InterVarsity Press. (178 pp.)

The Spanish translation was published in 2005, under the title of Refugio del Abuso: Sanidad y esperanza paramujeres abusadas by Caribe-Betania Editores, a division of Thomas Nelson Publishing.

The Portuguese translation was published in 2006, under the title of Refugio Contra o Abuso: Cura e Esperanca para Mulheres Cristas que Sofreram Abuso by Casa Publidadora das Assembleias de Deus.

Kroeger, Catherine and Nancy Nason-Clark (2001). No Place for Abuse: Biblical and Practical Resources To Counteract Domestic Violence. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press. (201pp + xv.) Translations in Arabic and Portuguese.

Nason-Clark, N. (1997). The Battered Wife: How Christians Confront Family Violence. Louisville, KY: Westminster/ John Knox Press. (185pp + xx.)

Nason-Clark, Nancy, Holtmann, Catherine, McMullin, Steve and Barbara Fisher-Townsend (2017) Religion and Intimate Partner Violence:  Understanding the Challenges and Proposing Solutions.  New York: Oxford University Press.  Publication date: October, 2017.

Nason-Clark, Nancy and Barbara Fisher-Townsend (2015)  Men Who Batter.  New York: Oxford University Press. (241 pp + xi.)

Sevcik, Irene, Rothery, Michael, Nason-Clark, N. and R. Pynn (2015) Overcoming Conflicting Loyalties: Intimate Partner Violence, Community Resources, and Faith.  Edmonton, AB: University of Alberta Press (248pp + x.)

Kroeger, Catherine Clark and Nancy Nason-Clark (2010) No Place for Abuse:  Biblical and Practical Resources To Counteract Domestic Violence.  2nd edition (40% new content).  Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.  (235 pp + xxi.)

Edited Collections Related to Abuse

Nason-Clark, Nancy, Fisher-Townsend, Barbara and Victoria Fahlberg (2013).  Strengthening Families and Ending Abuse:  Churches and their Leaders Look to the Future.  Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers. (311 pp.)

Nason-Clark, Nancy, Kroeger, Catherine Clark and Barbara Fisher-Townsend (2011).  Responding to Abuse in Christian Homes.  Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock. (248 pp.)

Kroeger, Catherine Clark, Nason-Clark, Nancy and Barbara Fisher-Townsend (2008) Beyond Abuse in the Christian Home:  Raising Voices for Change.  Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock.  (233 pp.)

Stirling, Mary Lou, Cameron, C. Ann, Nason-Clark, Nancy and Baukje Miedema (2004). Understanding Abuse: Partnering for Change. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (326 pp.)

Nason-Clark, N. and M.J. Neitz. (2000/2001) Guest Editors of a special issue of Sociology of Religion entitled, Religion and Gender in the 21st Century, vol. 61(4). Co-published one year later as Feminist Perspectives and Narrative in the Sociology of Religion. Walnut Creek, CA: Alta Mira Press, 2001.

Nason-Clark, Nancy, Fisher-Townsend, Barbara and Victoria Fahlberg (2013).  Strengthening Families and Ending Abuse:  Churches and their Leaders Look to the Future.  Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers. (311 pp.)

Nason-Clark, Nancy, Kroeger, Catherine Clark and Barbara Fisher-Townsend (2011).  Responding to Abuse in Christian Homes.  Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock. (248 pp.)

Kroeger, Catherine Clark, Nason-Clark, Nancy and Barbara Fisher-Townsend (2008) Beyond Abuse in the Christian Home:  Raising Voices for Change.  Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock.  (233 pp.)

Refereed Articles and Book Chapters Related to Abuse

Nason-Clark, N. (in press)  Domestic Violence. Chapter 9 in Continuity and Innovation: Canadian Families in the New Millennium.  Edited by Amber Gazso and Karen Kobayashi.  Under contract with Nelson Canada for publication in 2017.

Nason-Clark, N. and C. Holtmann. (2017).  Naming the Abuse, Establishing Networks, and Forging Negotiations:  Contemporary Christian Women and the Ugly Subject of Domestic Violence.  Chapter to appear in A. Day (ed.), Power and Piety in the Anglican Church Worldwide.  Ashgate UK Publishing.McMullin, S.,

Nason-Clark, N., Fisher-Townsend, B., and C. Holtmann. (2015).  When Violence Hits the Religious Home: Raising Awareness about Domestic Violence in Seminaries and amongst Religious Leaders.  Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling 69(2): 113-124.

Nason-Clark, N. (2014)  Domestic Violence and Communities of Faith:  Shattering the Holy Hush. NCFR: Catalyzing Research, Theory and Practice, issue FF61: 19-21.  Washington, DC: National Council on Family Relations.

Holtmann, C. and N. Nason-Clark (2015). Reconfiguring Stained Glass:  Visual Methods and Research on Religion and Domestic Violence.  In Roman Williams (ed.) Seeing Religion:  Visual Turn in Sociology, pp. 174-191. New York:  Rutgers University Press.

Nason-Clark, N. (2015) Religion and Abuse. 6000 word essay in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, vol. 20, pp. 253-257.  Section Editor: Darren Sherkat.  Kidlington, UK: Elsevier Press.

Nason-Clark, N. (2015). Strong Spirits, Abused Bodies: Social, Political and Theological Reflections.  In P. Dickey Young (ed.), Sexual Diversity and Religious Diversity, pp. 220-240.  Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Nason-Clark, N. (2014). Talking about Domestic Violence and Communities of Faith in the Public Sphere: Celebrations and Challenges.  In Solange Lefebvre and Lori Beaman (eds.) Religion in the Public Sphere, pp. 149-170.  Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

McMullin, S. and N. Nason-Clark. (2013).  Preparing Seminaries for Collaborative Work.  In N. Nason-Clark, B. Fisher-Townsend and V. Fahlberg (eds.) Strengthening Families and Ending Abuse:  Churches and their Leaders Look to the Future.  Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, pp. 200-241.

Nason-Clark, N., Fisher-Townsend, B., McMullin, S. and C. Holtmann (2013). Life Stories of Religious Men who Act Abusively: Elements of the Coordinated Community Response.  In N. Nason-Clark, B. Fisher-Townsend and V. Fahlberg (eds.) Strengthening Families and Ending Abuse:  Churches and their Leaders Look to the Future.  Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, pp. 40-64.

Sevcik, I., Nason-Clark, N., Rothery, M., and R. Pynn (2013).  Caring for the Care-givers: The Efficacy of a Centred Meditation Practice within a Secular Setting.  In N. Nason-Clark, B. Fisher-Townsend and V. Fahlberg (eds.) Strengthening Families and Ending Abuse:  Churches and their Leaders Look to the Future.  Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, pp. 263-286.

Holtmann, C., Fisher-Townsend, B., McMullin, S. and N. Nason-Clark.  (2013) The Dating Game: Innovative Responses to Abuse Prevention and Awareness Training for Religious Youth.  In N. Nason-Clark, B. Fisher-Townsend and V. Fahlberg (eds.) Strengthening Families and Ending Abuse:  Churches and their Leaders Look to the Future.  Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 287-308.

Nason-Clark, N., Fisher-Townsend, B., McMullin, S. and C. Holtmann.  Family Violence in Canada (2013).  Canada.  In S. Asay, DeFrain, J., Metzger, M. and B. Moyer, Family Violence from a Global Perspective: Strengths-Based Research and Case Studies.  Sage Publications, 182-199.

Nason-Clark, N. and C. Holtmann.  (2013).  Perpetuating Religion and Culture: Hindu Women.  In P. Beyer (ed.) Growing Up Canadian: Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists.  Kingston, ON: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 145-166.

Beaman, Lori, Nason-Clark, N., and R. Ramji. (2013). The Difference that Gender Makes.  Growing Up Canadian: Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists.  Kingston, ON: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 235-261.

Nason-Clark, N. and C. Holtmann. (2013). Thinking about Cooperation and Collaboration between Diverse Religious and Secular Community Responses to Domestic Violence.  In L. Beaman and W. Sullivan (eds.) Varieties of Religious Establishment, 187-200.  Farnham (Surrey), United Kingdom: Ashgate Press.

Holtmann, C. and N. Nason-Clark (2012).  Preparing for Life:  Gender, Religiosity and Education Amongst Second Generation Hindus in Canada.  Religion and Gender 2(1):57-79.

Nason-Clark, N. (2011). Tribute to Dr. Catherine Clark Kroeger:  Her Life and Legacy on Issues of Abuse.  Priscilla Papers, 25(3) Summer: 13-17.

Holtmann, C. and N. Nason-Clark. (2011). Religion and Technology: Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Learning.  Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal 3(2):105-116.

Nason-Clark, N. and S. McMullin. (2011) A Charge for Church Leadership: Speaking out Against Sexual Abuse and Ministering to Survivors.  In A. Schmutzer (ed.) Addressing Sexual Abuse through Pastoral Care. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 211-223.

Reprinted online in the Pneuma Review (2014)

Nason-Clark, N., McMullin, Steve, Fahlberg, Victoria and Daniel Schaefer (2010).  Referrals Between Clergy and Community-based Resources:  Challenges and Opportunities, Journal of Family and Community Ministries, 23(4): 50-60.  Also available online:

Reprinted in:

In Nason-Clark, N., Kroeger, C. Clark, and B. Fisher-Townsend (eds.) Responding to Abuse in Christian Homes.  Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2011, pp. 215-230.

Reprinted in the new online version of the journal:

Journal of Family and Community Ministries, 2011: 1-14.

McMullin, S. and N. Nason-Clark (2011).  Seminary Students and Domestic Violence:  Applying Sociological Research.  In Nason-Clark, N., Kroeger, C. Clark, and B. Fisher-Townsend (eds.) Responding to Abuse in Christian Homes.  Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, pp. 231-246.

Nason-Clark, N. and B. Fisher-Townsend (2011).  Acting Abusively in the Household of Faith.  In Nason-Clark, N., Kroeger, C. Clark, and B. Fisher-Townsend (eds.) Responding to Abuse in Christian Homes.  Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2011, pp. 101-116.

Sevcik, I., Nason-Clark, N., Rothery, M. and R. Pynn (2011).  Finding their Voices and Speaking Out:  Research Among Women of Faith in Western Canada.  In Nason-Clark, N., Kroeger, C. Clark, and B. Fisher-Townsend (eds.) Responding to Abuse in Christian Homes.  Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2011, pp. 169-189.

Nason-Clark, N. (2009)  Christianity and the Experience of Domestic Violence: What does faith have to do with it?  Christianity and Social Work, 36(4): 379-393.

Nason-Clark, N, Fisher-Townsend, B., Holtmann, C., McMullin, S. and L. Ruff (2009)  The RAVE Project:  Developing Web-Based Religious Resources for Social Action on Domestic Violence, Critical Social Work,

Nason-Clark, N, Holtmann, C., Fisher-Townsend, B. and S. McMullin (2009)  The RAVE Project:  Developing Web-Based Religious Resources for Social Action on Domestic Violence, Critical Social Work, forthcoming.

Nason-Clark, N.  (2008) Holy Hush or Shattered Silence?  Abuse and the Christian Church, Wineskins (Churches of Christ e-journal),

Fisher-Townsend, Barbara and Nancy Nason-Clark (2008) Getting the Data:  Ethics, Cooperation and Interaction in a University-Community Agency Collaboration. CUExpo08. Community-University Partnerships:  Connecting for Change.  Proceedings of the Third International Community-University Exposition, edited by Darlene Clover and Catherine McGregor, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC,

Kroeger, Catherine Clark and Nancy Nason-Clark (2008) Introduction.  In Kroeger, Catherine Clark, Nason-Clark, Nancy and Barbara Fisher-Townsend (eds.) Beyond Abuse in the Christian Home: Raising Voices for Change.  Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, pp. xv-xix.

Nason-Clark, Nancy (2008).  When Terror Strikes in the Christian Home.  In Kroeger, Catherine Clark, Nason-Clark, Nancy and Barbara Fisher-Townsend (eds.).  Beyond Abuse in the Christian Home: Raising Voices for Change.  Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, pp. 167-183.

Kroeger, Catherine Clark, Nason-Clark, Nancy and Barbara Fisher-Townsend (2008) Conclusion.  In Kroeger, Catherine Clark, Nason-Clark, Nancy and Barbara Fisher-Townsend (eds.) Beyond Abuse in the Christian Home: Raising Voices for Change.  Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, pp. 225-233.

Fisher-Townsend, Barbara, Nason-Clark, Nancy, Ruff, Lanette and Nancy Murphy (2008)  I am Not Violent:  Men’s Experience in Group.  In Kroeger, Catherine Clark, Nason-Clark, Nancy and Barbara Fisher-Townsend (eds.) Beyond Abuse in the Christian Home: Raising Voices for Change.  Eugene,  Oregon: Wipf and Stock, pp. 78-99.

Nason-Clark, N. and B. Fisher-Townsend (2007) Women, Gender and Feminism in the Sociology of Religion: Theory, Research and Social Action.  In Tony Blasi (ed.) American Sociology of Religion: Histories. Leiden, Holland: Brill Press, 203-221.

Nason-Clark, N. and L. Ruff (2007).  Caring for the Caregiver.  International Curriculum for Training Caregivers of Victims of Trafficking.  Washington, D.C: FAITH Consortium.

Spencer-Arsenault, Michelle and N. Nason-Clark (2007) The Role of Marian Imagery in the Lives of Ordinary Catholic Women.  In Pierre Hegy (ed.) Religious Imagery.  New   York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 151-161.

Nason-Clark, N. (2007) Can hope really change people?  Violent Religious Men and The Journey of Accountability.  In B. Matthews and L. Beaman (eds.) Exploring Gender in Canada: A Multi-Dimensional Approach. Toronto: Pearson Education Canada, pp. 278-280.

Nason-Clark, N. (2007)  Christianity and Domestic Violence.  Essay in Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence, edited by Nicole Jackson.  New   York: Routledge, pp. 161-166.

Nason-Clark, N. and B. Fisher-Townsend (2005) Chap 10: Gender. In H.R. Ebaugh (ed.) Handbook on Sociology of Religion and Social Institutions, N.Y: Springer, pp. 207-223.

Nason-Clark, N. (2005) Linking Research and Social Action: Violence, Religion and the Family. A Case for Public Sociology, Review of Religious Research, 46(3): 221-234.

Nason-Clark, N. (2004) When Terror Strikes at Home: The Interface Between Religion and Domestic Violence. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 43(3): 303-310.

Reprinted in Lori G. Beaman (ed.) (2006) Religion and Canadian Society: Traditions, transitions, and innovations, Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, pp. 96-105.

Nason-Clark, N. and L. Ruff (2004) What is Sexual Violence? (invited article for a special issue on catholic priests and child sexual abuse) Concilium, August (3): 259-268.

Nason-Clark, N., N. Murphy, B. Fisher-Townsend and L. Ruff (2004). An Overview of the Characteristics of the Clients at a Faith-Based Batterers’ Intervention Program. Journal of Religion and Abuse, 5(4): 51-72.

Nason-Clark, N., Mitchell, L., and L. G. Beaman (2004) Bridge Building: Linking Sacred and Secular Support Services for Religious Victims of Abuse. In M.L. Stirling, A. Cameron, N. Nason-Clark and B. Miedema (eds.) Understanding Abuse: Partnering for Change, University of Toronto Press, pp. 223-248.

Miedema, Baukje and Nancy Nason-Clark (2004). Introduction—Understanding Abuse: Partnering for Change, Understanding Abuse: Partnering for Change. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 3-19.

Nason-Clark, N., Mitchell, L., and L. G. Beaman (2004) Bridge Building Between Churches and Community Resources: An Overview of the Work of the Religion and Violence Research Team. Centre Paper Series, No. 3. Fredericton: Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research. (24 pp.)

Nason-Clark, N. (2003). The Making of a Survivor: Rhetoric and Reality in the Study of Religion and Abuse. In J. Beckford and J. Richardson, Challenging Religion. London: Routledge, pp. 181-191.

Nason-Clark, N. (2003). Compassion Begins With A Cup of Cold Water. In R. E. Barnwell, Sr., Reflecting Christ. Indianapolis: Wesleyan Publishing House, pp. 47-62.

Nason-Clark, N. (2002) From the Heart of My Lap-top: Personal Passion and Research on Violence Against Women. In J. Spickard, M. McGuire and S. Landres, Personal Knowledge and Beyond: Reshaping the Ethnography of Religion, New York: New York University Press, pp. 27-32.

Nason-Clark, N. (2001) “Biblical Images of Women,” and “Childbearing and Rearing.” Essays in, Women’s Bible Commentary, edited by Catherine Clark Kroeger and Mary Evans. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press.

Nason-Clark, N. (2001). Woman Abuse and Faith Communities: Religion, Violence and Provision of Social Welfare. In: P. Nesbitt (Ed.), Religion and Social Policy. Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press, pp. 128-145.

Nason-Clark, N. (2000). Making the Sacred Safe: Woman Abuse and Communities of Faith, Sociology of Religion, 61(4):349-68. Reprinted in Feminist Perspectives and Narrative in the Sociology of Religion. Walnut Creek, CA: Alta Mira Press, 2001.

Nason-Clark, N. (2000) Responding to Wife Abuse: A Story of Faith and Courage. In Brian K. Seim, et al., pp. 39-51. Stories of Compassion and Healing. Toronto: Evangelical Fellowship of Canada.

Nason-Clark, N. (2000). The Steeple and the Shelter: Secularization and resacralization in contemporary Canada, pp. 249-62. In D. Lyon & M. van Dye (Eds.). Religion, Secularization and Modernity in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Nason-Clark, N. (2000) Defining Violence in Religious Contexts, pp. 69-89. In A. Shupe (Ed.), Bad Pastors: Clergy Malfeasance in America. Albany: New York University Press.

Beaman, L. and N. Nason-Clark (1999) “Evangelical Women as Activists: Their Response to Violence Against Women,” pp. 111-132, in L. Beaman, Shared Beliefs, Different Lives: Women’s Identities in Evangelical Context. St. Louis, Missouri: Challice Press.

Nason-Clark, Nancy (1999). Shattered silence or holy hush: Emerging definitions of violence against women. Journal of Family Ministry, 13(1): 39-56. [Winner of the Marion Porter Prize, best article award, of the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women, 2000.] Portions of this paper are reprinted in Fear Not Now (2000). Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 11-15.

Nason-Clark, N. (1998) “The Impact of Abuses of Clergy Trust on Female Congregants’ Faith and Practice,” pp. 85-100, in Wolves Among the Fold: Religious Leadership and Abuses of Power, edited by Anson Shupe. New York: Rutgers University Press.

Nason-Clark, N. (1998) “The Evangelical Family is Sacred…but is it safe?” pp. 109-125 in Healing the Hurting: Giving Hope and Help to Abused Women, ed. by Catherine Clark Kroeger and James R. Beck. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book Publishing.

Nason-Clark, N. (1998) “Canadian Evangelical Church Women and Responses to Family Violence,” pp. 57-65, in Religion in a Changing World: Comparative Studies in Sociology edited by Madeleine Cousineau. Westport, CT.:Greenwood Press.

Beaman-Hall, L. & Nason-Clark, N. (1997). Partners or protagonists: Exploring the relationship between the transition house movement and conservative churches”, Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work, 12(2): 176-196.

Beaman-Hall, L. & Nason-Clark, N. (1997). Translating spiritual commitment into service: The response of evangelical women to wife abuse. Canadian Women’s Studies, 17(1):58-61.

Nason-Clark, N. (1997) A review essay entitled “Sexism and Religious Belief and Practice” in The Encyclopedia of Religion and Society, 59-75. Edited by William Swatos. New York: AltaMira Press.

Nason-Clark, N. (1996). Religion and violence against women: Exploring the rhetoric and the response of evangelical churches in Canada. Social Compass, 46(4): 515-536.

Nason-Clark, N. (1995) “Conservative Protestants and Violence Against Women: Exploring the Rhetoric and the Response”, Sex, Lies and Sanctity: Deviance and Religion in Contemporary America, pp. 109-130, edited by Mary Jo Neitz and Marion Goldman. [Part of the Religion and Social Order Series].

Nason-Clark, N. (in press)  Domestic Violence. Chapter 9 in Continuity and Innovation: Canadian Families in the New Millennium.  Edited by Amber Gazso and Karen Kobayashi.  Under contract with Nelson Canada for publication in 2017.

McMullin, S., Nason-Clark, N., Fisher-Townsend, B., and C. Holtmann. (2015).  When Violence Hits the Religious Home: Raising Awareness about Domestic Violence in Seminaries and amongst Religious Leaders.  Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling 69(2): 113-124.

Nason-Clark, N. (2014)  Domestic Violence and Communities of Faith:  Shattering the Holy Hush. NCFR: Catalyzing Research, Theory and Practice, issue FF61: 19-21.  Washington, DC: National Council on Family Relations.

Nason-Clark, N. and C. Holtmann. (2017).  Naming the Abuse, Establishing Networks, and Forging Negotiations:  Contemporary Christian Women and the Ugly Subject of Domestic Violence.  Chapter to appear in A. Day (ed.), Power and Piety in the Anglican Church Worldwide.  Ashgate UK Publishing.

Holtmann, C. and N. Nason-Clark (2015). Reconfiguring Stained Glass:  Visual Methods and Research on Religion and Domestic Violence.  In Roman Williams (ed.) Seeing Religion:  Visual Turn in Sociology, pp. 174-191. New York:  Rutgers University Press.

Nason-Clark, N. (2015) Religion and Abuse. 6000 word essay in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, vol. 20, pp. 253-257.  Section Editor: Darren Sherkat.  Kidlington, UK: Elsevier Press.

Nason-Clark, N. (2015). Strong Spirits, Abused Bodies: Social, Political and Theological Reflections.  In P. Dickey Young (ed.), Sexual Diversity and Religious Diversity, pp. 220-240.  Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Nason-Clark, N. (2014). Talking about Domestic Violence and Communities of Faith in the Public Sphere: Celebrations and Challenges.  In Solange Lefebvre and Lori Beaman (eds.) Religion in the Public Sphere, pp. 149-170.  Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

McMullin, S. and N. Nason-Clark. (2013).  Preparing Seminaries for Collaborative Work.  In N. Nason-Clark, B. Fisher-Townsend and V. Fahlberg (eds.) Strengthening Families and Ending Abuse:  Churches and their Leaders Look to the Future.  Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, pp. 200-241.

Nason-Clark, N., Fisher-Townsend, B., McMullin, S. and C. Holtmann (2013). Life Stories of Religious Men who Act Abusively: Elements of the Coordinated Community Response.  In N. Nason-Clark, B. Fisher-Townsend and V. Fahlberg (eds.) Strengthening Families and Ending Abuse:  Churches and their Leaders Look to the Future.  Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, pp. 40-64.

Sevcik, I., Nason-Clark, N., Rothery, M., and R. Pynn (2013).  Caring for the Care-givers: The Efficacy of a Centred Meditation Practice within a Secular Setting.  In N. Nason-Clark, B. Fisher-Townsend and V. Fahlberg (eds.) Strengthening Families and Ending Abuse:  Churches and their Leaders Look to the Future.  Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, pp. 263-286.

Holtmann, C., Fisher-Townsend, B., McMullin, S. and N. Nason-Clark.  (2013) The Dating Game: Innovative Responses to Abuse Prevention and Awareness Training for Religious Youth.  In N. Nason-Clark, B. Fisher-Townsend and V. Fahlberg (eds.) Strengthening Families and Ending Abuse:  Churches and their Leaders Look to the Future.  Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 287-308.

Nason-Clark, N., Fisher-Townsend, B., McMullin, S. and C. Holtmann.  Family Violence in Canada (2013).  Canada.  In S. Asay, DeFrain, J., Metzger, M. and B. Moyer, Family Violence from a Global Perspective: Strengths-Based Research and Case Studies.  Sage Publications, 182-199.

Nason-Clark, N. and C. Holtmann.  (2013).  Perpetuating Religion and Culture: Hindu Women.  In P. Beyer (ed.) Growing Up Canadian: Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists.  Kingston, ON: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 145-166.

Beaman, Lori, Nason-Clark, N., and R. Ramji. (2013). The Difference that Gender Makes.  Growing Up Canadian: Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists.  Kingston, ON: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 235-261.

Nason-Clark, N. and C. Holtmann. (2013). Thinking about Cooperation and Collaboration between Diverse Religious and Secular Community Responses to Domestic Violence.  In L. Beaman and W. Sullivan (eds.) Varieties of Religious Establishment, 187-200.  Farnham (Surrey), United Kingdom: Ashgate Press.

Holtmann, C. and N. Nason-Clark (2012).  Preparing for Life:  Gender, Religiosity and Education Amongst Second Generation Hindus in Canada.  Religion and Gender 2(1):57-79.

Nason-Clark, N. (2011). Tribute to Dr. Catherine Clark Kroeger:  Her Life and Legacy on Issues of Abuse.  Priscilla Papers, 25(3) Summer: 13-17.

Holtmann, C. and N. Nason-Clark. (2011). Religion and Technology: Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Learning.  Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal 3(2):105-116.

Nason-Clark, N. and S. McMullin. (2011) A Charge for Church Leadership: Speaking out Against Sexual Abuse and Ministering to Survivors.  In A. Schmutzer (ed.) Addressing Sexual Abuse through Pastoral Care. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 211-223.

Reprinted online in the Pneuma Review (2014)

Nason-Clark, N., McMullin, Steve, Fahlberg, Victoria and Daniel Schaefer (2010).  Referrals Between Clergy and Community-based Resources:  Challenges and Opportunities, Journal of Family and Community Ministries, 23(4): 50-60.  Also available online:

Reprinted in:

In Nason-Clark, N., Kroeger, C. Clark, and B. Fisher-Townsend (eds.) Responding to Abuse in Christian Homes.  Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2011, pp. 215-230.

Reprinted in the new online version of the journal:

Journal of Family and Community Ministries, 2011: 1-14.

McMullin, S. and N. Nason-Clark (2011).  Seminary Students and Domestic Violence:  Applying Sociological Research.  In Nason-Clark, N., Kroeger, C. Clark, and B. Fisher-Townsend (eds.) Responding to Abuse in Christian Homes.  Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, pp. 231-246.

Nason-Clark, N. and B. Fisher-Townsend (2011).  Acting Abusively in the Household of Faith.  In Nason-Clark, N., Kroeger, C. Clark, and B. Fisher-Townsend (eds.) Responding to Abuse in Christian Homes.  Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2011, pp. 101-116.

Sevcik, I., Nason-Clark, N., Rothery, M. and R. Pynn (2011).  Finding their Voices and Speaking Out:  Research Among Women of Faith in Western Canada.  In Nason-Clark, N., Kroeger, C. Clark, and B. Fisher-Townsend (eds.) Responding to Abuse in Christian Homes.  Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2011, pp. 169-189.

Nason-Clark, N. (2009)  Christianity and the Experience of Domestic Violence: What does faith have to do with it?  Christianity and Social Work, 36(4): 379-393.

Nason-Clark, N, Fisher-Townsend, B., Holtmann, C., McMullin, S. and L. Ruff (2009)  The RAVE Project:  Developing Web-Based Religious Resources for Social Action on Domestic Violence, Critical Social Work,